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Visit us at MEDICA 2018 in Hall 11, stand A59 and see our full product range
MEDICA Trade Fair in Dusseldorf attracts over 130,000 visitors from 120 countries across all continents. In total 4,600 exhibitors attend from 66 countries, totaling 116,000 m2 of exhibition space.
We will be exhibiting our full range of respiratory products in Hall 11, Stand A59 so please visit our stand if you are attending.

You can follow all the updates on Twitter through @MEDICATradeFair and @Intersurgical, using the hasthag #MEDICA2018.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Caratteristiche del prodotto

© Intersurgical S.p.A, 2025
Via Tonino Morandi 12 41037 Mirandola (MO) - Italia
+39 0535 20836